Essen Economics of Mental Health Workshop 2018

We are pleased to host the Essen Economics of Mental Health Workshop on the 25 & 26 of June 2018.

Worldwide around one in five adults have a diagnosable mental illness. Mental illness is very costly as half of all illness for those up to age 45 in rich countries is mental illness (Layard 2017). People who suffer from mental illness are less likely to be employed and have a high risk of disability. Even though (good) employment has been shown to improve mental health. However, mental illness is not only special because it is costly and widespread. Mental illness has a large stigma that prevents individuals from seeking treatment. At the same time, treatments exist and have been shown to have return-on-investments that far exceed its costs, but for numerous reasons only a fraction of those who need treatment receive it (WHO 2017).

This workshop aims to gather (junior) researchers with an interest in applying the tools of economics to these and other problems surrounding mental health. Empirical analyses are particularly encouraged for submission.

Richard G. Frank (Harvard University), Rowena Jacobs (University of York) and Jan Böhnke (University of Dundee) will deliver keynotes.

For further details, please consult the application page.


The Workshop is organized by Christoph Kronenberg, Ph.D (CINCH, University Duisburg-Essen) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ansgar Wübker (LSCRRWI and Ruhr-University Bochum).


Die Durchführung der Veranstaltung wird durch eine Zuwendung der B. Braun-Stiftung ermöglicht.                           

This event was made possible with kind support from the B. Braun foundation.